Call subscription

Our exclusive call subscription guarantees you considerable advantages and you can rest assured your client database will receive lasting and reliable data maintenance.

Let us give you an example: Your client's database of 24,000 addresses must be evaluated annually to ensure that contact details are up to date and so you ask us to call 2,000 people every month for a year, where all the calls have the same structure and there are no special project alterations. You have the option to send us your database as a whole, or in part, or to select and send us addresses on a monthly basis. By calling your clients on your behalf, each month we will refresh your client database.

All this is available at unbeatable prices.

Of course these are not the only options we offer as we are able to tailor any package to your needs. Contact us now to take advantage of this valuable service immediately. Our knowledge of this field is based on extensive experience and years of expertise in offering business solutions.
